SIA Bauskas Siltums
Friday, 25. October,2024
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Energy efficiency of houses

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(+371) 63960586 Bauska, Dārza 8B, LV-3901

Description of detailed algorythm with example.

Hot water consumption of house in m3 MAJ.UDENS.M3=139.00 m3
Heat consumption of house MAJ.SILT.MWH=66.44 MWh
Cost of heat energy LS.SILT.MWH =29.90 Ls/MWh
Total cost for house LS.MAJ.KOPA =66.44 MWh * 29.90 Ls/MWh = 1986.56 Ls

Hot water total consumption for house MAJ.DZ.UDENS.M3=121.00 m3
Total area of all flats M2.MAJ=2419.3 m2
Quantity of energy to warm up one cubic meter of cold water SILT.KOE=0.0465 MWh/m3
Cost for one cubic meter LS.M3.UDENS = ( 139.00 m3/ 121.00 m3 ) * 29.90 Ls/MWh * 0.0465 Mwh/m3 = 1.5972 Ls/m3
Area of sample flat M2.DZĪV = 44.6 m2
Water comsumption for sample flat DZIV.UDENS.M3= 3.00 m3
Hot water payment for sample flat LS.DZIV.UDENS = 3.00 m3 * 1.5972 Ls/m3= 4.79 Ls
Hot water total payment for house LS.MAJ.UDENS= 193.24 Ls

Rest of payment for all house heating LS.MAJ.APK = 1986.56 Ls – 193.24 Ls = 1793.42 Ls
Heating payment for sample flat LS.DZIV.APK = ( 1793.42 Ls * 44.6 m2 ) / 2419.3 m2 = 33.06 Ls
Total heating payment for all flats LS.DZIV.APK must be equal to rest of payment for all house heating LS.MAJ.APK

Heating consumption STATISTICAL parameters
Water warm up heat energy for house MAJ.UZSILD = 139.00 m3 * 0.0465 MWh/m3 = 6.46 MWh
Heat energy for house heating MAJ.SILT.APK= 66.44 MWh – 6.46 MWh = 59.98 MWh
Cost for one square meter heating LS.APK.M2 = 1793.42 Ls / 2419.30 m2 = 0.7413 Ls/m2

If flat HAVE NOT HOT WATER COUNTER, two cost calculation algorythms can be used:
1.Consumption of water is number of inhabitants, declared to live in this flat, multiply to accepted norm of water consumption to one people in one month. (for example, 3.0 m3). The value or this norm stimulate residents set up counters of hot water consumtion.
2.The difference between total consumption of hot water and sum of flat counters is divided proportionally to number of residents in flats without counters.
If this cost is greater than accepted limit (for example, 5.0 m3), use accepted maximal limit. The lack of water cubic meters is compensated, proportionally increasing cost for one hot water m3 for ALL flats.


DESIGNATIONS of variables are emphasized with great letters.
For every house monthly read values of consumed hot water cubic meters [MAJ.UDENS.M3] and heat consumption. [MAJ.SILT.MWH]
Cost of heat energy [LS.SILT.MWH]
Total cost of heat and hot water for house [LS.MAJ.KOPA] = MAJ.SILT.MWH * LS.SILT.MWH

Hot water total consumption for house flats with counters in month [MAJ.DZ.UDENS.M3]
Total area of all flats [M2.MAJ]
Quantity of energy to warm up one cubic meter of cold water [SILT.KOE] MWh/m3
Cost for one cubic meter hot water [LS.M3.UDENS] =(MAJ.UDENS.M3 / MAJ.DZ.UDENS.M3) * LS.SILT.MWH * SILT.KOE
Area of sample flat [M2.DZIV]
Every flat have 1 or 2 counters of hot water consumption. Water comsumption for sample flat monthly [DZIV.UDENS.M3]
Hot water payment for sample flat [LS.DZIV.UDENS] = LS.M3.UDENS * DZIV.UDENS.M3
Total heating payment for all flats [LS.MAJ.UDENS]

Rest of payment for all house heating [LS.MAJ.APK] = LS.MAJ.KOPA – LS.MAJ.UDENS
Heating payment for flat is payment for all house heating, divided to all flats according to flats area
Total heating payment for all flats LS.DZIV.APK must be equal to rest of payment for all house heating LS.MAJ.APK

We can also calculate heating consumption STATISTICAL parameters:
Water warm up heat energy for house [MAJ.UZSILD]= MAJ.UDENS.M3 * SILT.KOE
Heat energy for house heating [MAJ.SILT.APK]== MAJ.SILT.MWH – MAJ.UZSILD
Cost for one square meter heating [LS.APK.M2] = LS.MAJ.APK / M2.MAJ

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