SIA Bauskas Siltums
Thursday, 24. October,2024
In case of emergency
About us
E-services for clients
Energy efficiency of houses

Residents service info tel. 639_60585                 WhatsApp, SMS 29441316 

In case of Bauska heat net crashes call 63924463                   mob. 24405858

Contact us to e-address


(+371) 63960586 Bauska, Dārza 8B, LV-3901



Informējam, ka pamatojoties uz Bauskas novada domes 2023.gada 23.februāra lēmumu Nr.53 (prot.Nr.3, 2.p.) par pašvaldības kapitālsabiedrību reorganizāciju, SIA „Bauskas siltums” tiek pievienota SIA “Bauskas novada komunālserviss”.
Ar 2023.gada 01.septembri siltumapgādes pakalpojumu sniegšanu Bauskas novada administratīvajā teritorijā pārņem SIA “Bauskas novada komunālserviss”.

Pakalpojumu rēķinos par 2023.gada augustu, kurus klienti saņems septembra sākumā, pakalpojumu sniedzējs būs līdzšinējais- SIA „Bauskas siltums”.

Norēķinu konti, uz kuriem jāveic samaksa par šiem rēķiniem, paliek iepriekšējie. Aicinām šos rēķinus apmaksāt savlaicīgi. Lūdzam siltā ūdens skaitītāju rādījumus par augusta mēnesī patērēto iesniegt līdz 31.augustam.

Rādījumu ziņošana par augustu paliek nemainīga

• nododot lapiņu ar skaitītāju rādījumiem SIA ”Bauskas siltums” abonentdaļai;
• ievadot skaitītāju rādījumus SIA "Bauskas siltums" mājas lapā. Sadaļā KLIENTIEM jāpiereģistrējas. Mēneša beigās, ieejot RĀDĪJUMU PAZIŅOŠANĀ ar savu e-pastu un paroli, jāievada skaitītāju rādījumi;
• nosūtot SMS uz telefonu 29441316 . SMS piemērs: BS5717 12 654 kur BS ir obligātie simboli, 5717 ir attiecīgā klienta rēķina numurs, aiz kura ar atstarpēm seko viena vai divas rādījumu vērtības. Pēc saņemto datu pārbaudes klientam tiks nosūtīta atbildes SMS, apstiprinot rādījumu saņemšanu.

Pakalpojumu rēķinus sākot ar septembri un turpmākajiem mēnešiem izrakstīs SIA “Bauskas novada komunālserviss”. Apmaksājot šos rēķinus, obligāti pievērsiet uzmanību rēķinos norādītajam saņēmējam un bankas kontu numuriem.
Plašāka informācija:


April 27,2023 SIA “Bauskas siltums ”new heating service reduce tariff in May and June 2023

A new calculation of the determined tariffs for heating energy supply services submit 27.04.2023 to the public Utilities Commission and the justification for the new tariffs calculated under the public service is regulated by the Commission Councils decision No 1/7 from april 14,2010 “Methodology for the calculation of tariffs for heating supply services ”.

From 01.02.2023 till 30.04.2023 applied tariff is 110,04 EUR/MWh.
From 01.05.2023 till 31.05.2023 applied tariff is 88.06 EUR/MWh.
New indefinite tariff 74.88 EUR/MWh defined from 01.06.2023

Type of public service New approved tariff from 01.05.2023 (without VAT) New specified tariff from 01.06.2023 (without VAT) Decrease of tariff (%)
Production of heat energy 65.64 53.64 -18.16
Transmission and distribution of heat energy 15.80 14.52 -8.10
Trade of heat energy 6.30 6.30 0.0
Component of natural gas excise duty 0.42 0.42 0.0
Final tariff of thermal energy 88.06 74.88 -14.97

Specified tariff will be used from 01.06.2023
The specified tariff will come into force if the public service regulation commission has not taken and published in the official publication “Latvijas Vestnesis” a decision regarding the specified tariff in force revokes.

From the date of specified tariff force , the tariff specified in the SIA “ Bauskas siltums ” shall not be applied, which was published in the official issue of 30.03.2023 “ Latvijas Vestnesis ” (2023; and the public service shall not be regulated by the commissions decision No 222 of 13.10.2022, "Bauskas siltums approved base tariff for the tariffs of heating energy supply services".

The decrease in heating energy supply tariffs is related to the decrease in the price of natural gas and the price of chips.

The user may become acquainted with the generally available information included in the draft tariff regarding the draft tariff for thermal energy in SIA " Bauskas siltums" Office, Darza Street 8B, Bauska, Bauska County, on business days from noon 10:00-12:00, in advance please contact with Inese Ūdrēna, 63960587,

December 28,2022 SIA “Bauskas siltums ”new heating service tariffs

State aid for district heating to households is calculated in accordance with “Section 7(2) of the Law on measures to reduce the exceptional increase in energy prices as 50% of the difference between the approved thermal energy tariff and EUR 68/MWh,

50% x (90.89-68)=11.45 EUR/MWh. from 15.oktober 2022.
50% x (110.04-68)=21.02 EUR/MWh. from 01.february 2023.

Final heat tariff for households in December and January -79.44 EUR/MWh.
Final heat tariff for households from february 89.02 EUR/MWh.

From May 1,2023 the state aid to households does not apply.

August 31,2022 Completed price survey on supply of wood chips.

Completed price survey : On the supply of wood chips in heating house Dārza iela 11, Bauska, 2022/2023 years.

December 1,2021 Statement.

Payments in cash will be accepted in Mondays from 8.00- 17.00 Launch 12.00 -12.30
Please make payments with internet or Maxima cashes.

June 15,2021 Results of 2020/21 heating season

    Last heating season with average outdoor temperature heating season +1.9 degrees is described as moderate warm, but the heating season continued in the month of May. The warmest season has been the previous 2019/20 heating season with a +4.3 degree temperature. The average monthly cost of heating in multi-apartment buildings excluding VAT amounted to EUR 0,975/m2. In the previous season, it reached EUR 0.986/m2. The heating property of a heating apartment shall have a heat charge proportional to the thermal energy consumed, accepted as the specific thermal energy consumption in kWh/m2. Last season, it reached 157 kWh/m2. Above the limit value of 150 kWh/m2, the operator shall be obliged to: inform apartment owners about increased consumption. Since 2015, this indicator on buildings with direct accounts are published under the Energy Efficiency of Buildings section of and can be consulted by everyone to compared with consumption data for other buildings. For a little insight, a list of buildings with a lower, medium and the highest specific thermal energy consumption.











Rank Adress Average kWh/ m2 Average EUR/m2
1. Salātu 20 60,02 0.37
2. Mazā Salātu 4 82,68 0,51
3. Dārza 9 94,13 0,58
4. Plūdoņa 58 109,04 0,67
31. Salātu 6/2 156,39 0,96
32. Pionieru 1 156,93 0,97
33. Upmalas 4 157,00 0,97
34. Ceriņu 1 158,39 0,98
35. Uzvaras 9 161,74 1,00
36. Dārza 22/1 164,05 1,01
67. Dārza 15 207,22 1,28
68. Ceriņu 4 208,09 1,29
69. Dārza 23 211,28 1,31
80. Dārza 4 214,65 1,33

Preparing for 2021/22 heating season

     Interseason cleaning, defecation and standard maintenance of the chip boiler started on 12 May chips for boiler plants. Works in the boiler house finished at 3 June and chips boiler plants are currently providing hot water preparation for the city. The boiler houses have been prepared for the start of the new heating season in October. Reconstruction of heat tracks is scheduled to take place this summer at a stage of approximately 200 m on Salātu Street – from the building on Salātu Street 20 to the building On Salātu street 28. At the same time, a branch will be constructed to a planned mall on Salātu Street 24. Thermal energy (hot water) will be temporarily suspended due to heat reconstruction in the following buildings of the city of Bauska:
Pļavu ielā- 2; 4; 6; 8,
Mazā Salātu iela 4,
Salātu iela- 28; 30; 31; 33,
Zaļā iela 11/1;11/2;11/3;11/4;11/5; 11/6.
     Additional information will be provided to the general public on the heat outages during the repair. Salad streets the reconstruction of the heat trace is the final phase of the heat tracking reconstruction programme in Bauska. Once completed, all heat routes will be renewed at 100% with commercially isolated pipes. Total losses of heat streams will not exceed 10% in the future.
     Testing of thermal meters (verification) has been carried out in 24 buildings this year, thus, all heat meters installed in 125 buildings are verified and are on the agenda. As is known, the inspection of thermal meters since 2018 has been carried out annually by the thermal energy supplier “Bausk Heat” Ltd, following optimal operation with remote data reading the SCADA system. In addition to the SCADA system, 49 total hot water meters are connected thermal units of multi-apartment buildings.

News in heating season 2021/22

     SIA "Bauskas siltums" has signed a protocol of intentions with SIA "Modus Holding" for purchase of thermal energy produced in a cogeneration unit during the next heating season. SIA "Modus Holding" has purchased a cogeneration plant from SIA Windau, which ceased operations in 2017. SIA "Modus Holding" is expected to produce electricity and to sell by-products – thermal energy SIA "Bauskas siltums" at a competitive price.

February 22, 2021 Change of address

According to order no Nr.3-14.27/167 of Bauskas district stuff at september 3, 2020, SIA „Bauskas siltums” administrative building now has address Dārza iela 8B, Bauska, Bauskas novads, LV-3901.
Other company properties have not been changed.
Please refer to the following correspondence, contracts, invoices and other documents: SIA “Bauskas siltums” Dārza ielā 8B, Bauskā, Bauskas nov., LV-3901 or electronically to email

September 22,2020 Preparing for new heating season

      As the heating season of 2020/2021 approaches, SIA Bauskas siltums has performed the necessary repairs in the boiler house. Over the summer period, around 100 thermal meters in residential and non-residential buildings were verified. The metrological test has been passed by all reported thermal meters. SIA Bauskas siltums has prepared for new heating season.
      SIA Bauskas siltums calls for building and apartment owners to complete heating systems repair and mandatory testing of radiator air valves to protect properties from flooding.
      In multi-apartment buildings, the replacement of radiators must first be coordinated with the community of apartment owners, since the radiators belong to shares of joint ownership. The time of installation of radiators with the operator must be reconciled as it will be necessary to omit the heating system network water and it is desirable to do so by the beginning of the heating season.
      The thermal energy producer is grateful and highly valued in terms of cooperation with many customers, which have settled on the thermal energy received, thereby providing the population with a continuous supply of energy.
      Before heating season SIA "Bauskas siltums" calls on citizens with debts accruing for the thermal energy received, settle your commitments or agree on the arrangements for fulfilling the commitments by arriving at Bauskas siltums in the part of the subscribers to the lawyer.
      The readings of warm water meters in the apartment property must be transmitted monthly to the part of subscribers of the Bauskas siltums, sending an SMS or Whatsapp message to phone number 29441316 or by registering, or by calling 63960585 or 29441316 or by sending to No more pages are collected from home mailboxes.

Request to indicate only the 4-digit personal invoice number of the payment purpose.

      When starting the heating season, we call on the population to be responsible and to conserve heat, this leads to a reduction in bills. SIA "Bauskas siltums" cannot in any way affect the size of the population bill, it can only be done by citizens themselves. To raise awareness of saving thermal energy in buildings, our specialists have prepared an explanation of what factors affect thermal energy consumption and the size of bills, available on our home page under the heading “Energy efficiency of buildings”, under the heading “Power saving”. We call on citizens to familiarise themselves with this information and to spend thermal energy wisely and efficiently










SIA Bauskas siltums Privātuma politika Copyright Bauskas Siltums 2023 Lapas karte