SIA Bauskas Siltums
Saturday, 27. July,2024
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About us
Public disclosure information

E-services for clients
Energy efficiency of houses

Residents service info tel. 639_60585                 WhatsApp, SMS 29441316 

In case of Bauska heat net crashes call 63924463                   mob. 24405858

Contact us to e-address


(+371) 63960586 Bauska, Dārza 8B, LV-3901

Public disclosure information

Nm. Title The frequency of the publication Information
1. The general strategic goals and capital activity of company Continuous Company strategy for years 2016-2018
Company strategy for years 2019-2021
Company strategy for years 2022-2024
2. Strategic, financial and non-financial goals implementation results Every year Financial and other goals indicators of year 2017
Financial and other goals indicators of year 2018
Financial and other goals indicators of year 2019
Financial and other goals indicators of year 2020
Financial and other goals indicators of year 2021
3. State or local government budget contributions Every year Local government budget contributions in 2017
Local government budget contributions in 2018
Local government budget contributions in 2019
Local government budget contributions in 2020
Local government budget contributions in 2021
Local government budget contributions in 2022
4. Information about funding received from the state or local government budget and the utilisation thereof. Every year Use of funds obtained by the government in Bauska municipality
On the basis of the decision of the Bauska municipality council of 25 June 2020 on the investment of municipalities in the capital company "Bauskas siltums", it was decided to invest in Bauska municipalities real estate Dārza iela 8B, value of cadastre No 40010040089 consisting of a unit of land of 0.1520 ha for EUR 8200 in the company, increasing the City Councils contribution to the companys share capital by EUR 8200. LR Enterprise Register Changes in fixed capital were recorded on 10 August 2020.
5. Donation (presents) strategy and donation (presents) procedure of company. Every year SIA "Bauskas siltums" dont donate (make presents)
6. Not audited interim statements Every quarter Review of 2018, 1.quarter
Review of half a year 2018
Review of 2018, 9 months
Review of 2018
Review of 2019, 1.quarter
Review of half a year 2019
Review of 2019, 9 months
Review of 2019
Review of 2020, 1.quarter
Review of half a year 2020
Review of 2020
Review of 2021, 1.quarter
Review of half a year 2021
Review of 2021, 9 months
Review of 2021
Review of 2022, 1.quarter
Review of half a year 2022
Review of 2022, 9 months
Review of 2022
Review of 2023, 1.quarter
7. Audited annual accounts. Every year Review of year 2017.
Review of year 2018.
Review of year 2019.
Review of year 2020.
Review of year 2021.
Review of year 2022.
8. Information on the ownership structure (including participation in other companies). Continuous 100% of the SIA "Bauskas siltums" capital shares are owned by the county government and the county local government established as holder of capital shares. SIA "Bauskas siltums" have no interests in other companies.
9. Information on the organisational structure and remuneration policy Continuous Organisational structure of SIA "Bauskas siltums"
Fundamental principles of SIA "Bauskas siltums" remuneration policy
10. Information about each received and donation amount and the final beneficiaries. Continuous SIA "Bauskas siltums" never received donations (gifts).
11. Procurements information. Continuous Wood chip delivery contract for Bauska heathouse No. BS/2016/0915. Execution of procurement Chip survey protocol decision 30.09.2016

Wood chip delivery contract for Bauska heathouse No. BS/2022/1. Execution of procurement Chip survey protocol decision 08.07.2022
12. Plan for anti-corruption measures For 3 years 2019-20121 years plan for anti-corruption measures
2022-2024 years plan for anti-corruption measures
13. Statute, board rules Continuous Statute
Board rule
14. Office stuff professional experience, education, expierence in other capital companies,deadline. Continuous Office stuff professional experience, education, experience in other capital companies,deadline.
15. Meetings, protocols and decisions of participants Continuous Protocol of SIA "Bauskas siltums" participants meeting in April 15,2020
Protocol of SIA "Bauskas siltums" participants emergency meeting in July 28,2020
Decisions of SIA "Bauskas siltums" participants meeting in April 12,2021 Appointment of the meeting secretary Year 2020 annual report approval Year 2021 budget approval Year 2020 profit use
Decisions of SIA "Bauskas siltums" participants meeting in April 6,2022 Appointment of the meeting secretary Year 2021 annual report approval Year 2022 budget approval Year 2021 profit use
Decisions of SIA "Bauskas siltums" participants meeting in May 18,2023: Appointment of the meeting secretary , Year 2022 annual report approval, About coverage of losses in 2022, Year 2023 budget approval
SIA Bauskas siltums Privātuma politika Copyright Bauskas Siltums 2023 Lapas karte